Coffee and Chat with Shari Rowe, USPS Inspection Service

Please register to join us at the

Springfield Post Office Lincoln Conference Room, 2105 E. Cook Street, 2nd floor, Springfield IL


Thursday, March 28, 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

For a

Coffee and Chat with Shari Rowe, USPS Inspection Service

(Coffee and Breakfast refreshments provided)

Space limited to 30 people maximum

Shari RoweU.S. Postal Inspector, Shari Rowe, began her USPS career in 1998, as a window clerk in Naples, Florida. In 2006, she accepted the position of U.S. Postal Inspector with the Washington Division of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and was assigned to the Baltimore, MD domicile where she worked on the violent crimes and workplace violence prevention team. In this assignment, Shari investigated crimes such as robberies of letter carriers and postal facilities, burglaries, external threats and assaults upon postal employees, as internal workplace violence incidents and prevention. In 2010, she transferred to the Chicago Division, Springfield, IL domicile where she worked on a multifunctional team investigating all types of postal related crimes to include mail fraud, mail theft, violent crimes, and dangerous mail investigations. In 2015, Shari was promoted to the supervisory position of Team Leader leading a team of inspectors on the multifunctional team for the USPIS Chicago Division.

Event Information

Event Date 03-28-2024 8:30 am
Event End Date 03-28-2024 10:00 am
Individual Price Free

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